A New Thing

So, after a lot of prayer and talking things over with Cedrick... I have decided to take some time off school. Being a mom, wife, Christ follower, and student is a lot to handle and unfortunately adding the role of student has caused me to seriously slack in other areas of my life. Areas I can not afford to not be dedicating 100% to.  

Behold I Will Do A New Thing

With me choosing to take some time off school, comes a new adventure because that requires us to find a new home.

I have always desired for my children the thing I was blessed enough to have as a child... a house. Somewhere with a yard and a drive way. Somewhere for the kids to run "like a crazy child", play sports, draw with side walk chalk, ride bikes and scooters, run in the sprinklers in the summer, and all the other awesome things that made up my childhood. 

Now It Shall Spring Forth

I'm so excited to say that this is becoming a reality for us. We are still on the hunt, but are starting to narrow in on a few options. 

The most exciting part is... not only do I get to share this experience with my husband and children, I get to share it with my little (or should I say, younger) brother!!

That's right! William, the little squirt I use to chase around my parents' kitchen with knives (because our fights got that serious), is moving back to Texas to attend film school at UNT and come live with us!  

I couldn't be more thrilled. Times and personalities have changed so much since the days when we were constantly at each other's throats and I am so excited for him to be back around. Not to mention how pumped Sammy is to get his Uncle Will back!

Shall You Not Know It?

Please be praying for me and my family as we make this transition. I believe the Lord will show us favor in this season. I am excited for the new things to come! 

"Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert."

Isaiah 43:19 NKJV

From this...
From this...
To this! Love you Will. ❤
To this! Love you Will. ❤

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